UNDATED (LEARFIELD) – Starting July 1st, patients with Alzheimer’s and/or dementia will qualify for the state’s medical marijuana program.
“Each year the commissioner takes petitions from the public to consider adding new qualifying conditions,” said Dr. Jay Westwater, CEO of Minnesota Medical Solutions.
Right now there are about 16,000 people enrolled in the state’s medical cannabis program. Westwater says adding Alzheimer’s and dementia is great news, but Minnesota is still somewhat restrictive compared to other states.
“There are some states for example that will allow the certifying provider, the physician or the physician’s assistant or advanced practice nurse to actually make the decision whether a patient has a condition that might benefit for medical cannabis,” said Westwater.
Conditions that didn’t make the cut this last round: hepatitis C, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, panic disorder, psoriasis, and traumatic brain injury.