MARSHALL (KMHL) – As COVID-19 Vaccines are distributed to Avera Staff and long-term care facilities in Marshall and surrounding areas, there is still hesitancy about the vaccine side effects and possible complications. One rumor that has been circulating around is that the vaccine could cause infertility or sterilization to those who receive it. Doctor Steven Meister of Avera Marshall clears up those rumors, stating:
Chief Medical Officer and Vice President of Medical Affairs at Avera Marshall, Doctor Steven Meister, clears up the misinformation with the vaccine by stating, “I can reassure you that fertility is not going to be affected by this vaccine. This vaccine is an Messenger RNA based vaccine. It doesn’t even get into your DNA…so it’s not going to affect anything sterility wise or fertility wise.”
Staff who have received the vaccine claim that their only side effects included mild symptoms and soreness in the area that the vaccine was given.