The Marshall City Council met Tuesday evening.
Members verbally approved the agenda and voted to approve the minutes from the February 27th meeting.
First on the agenda was a public hearing on issuance of revenue bonds by the South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority. The public hearing was closed after no council members or members of the public came forward with comments. The council voted unanimously to approve the issuance of revenue bonds by the South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority for Avera Health to finance a project in Marshall.
Next on the agenda was a public hearing for Project ST-010: Lyon Circle Reconstruction Project. Engineers estimate the project to cost $275,000. The public hearing was closed after no members of the public shared input. The council voted unanimously on improvement and preparation of plans and ordering advertisements for bids on the project.
The council voted to approve the consent agenda, which passed unanimously.
In new business, the council discussed the Channel Parkway Addition. This is related to the proposed sale for the development of a new SWWC facility. The council voted to approve a Preliminary Plat and a resolution to approve the Final Plat. Both votes passed unanimously.
The council considered resolutions providing for the issuance and sale of General Obligation Bonds. After discussion, members voted to approve the resolution unanimously.
The council heard reports from city commissions and board liaisons, as well as city staff.