If you want to avoid mosquitos, think about having a SOBER summer. At least two studies have found you’re more likely to get bit after drinking beer. (Yeah . . . I’ll just deal with the mosquito bites then.)
The science is still up in the air about why mosquitos love some people and couldn’t care less about others. But here are a few more things that could be linked to mosquito bites . . .
1. Bananas. A study found people were more likely to get bit after eating a banana than after eating grapes.
2. Really smelly cheese. They might be attracted to a compound produced by bacteria on our skin called carboxylic acid. (car-bock-sill-ick) It’s also found in stinky cheeses, like limburger.
3. Floral-scented foods and desserts. They’re attracted to the smell of nectar-producing plants, so anything floral could have them heading your way.
A few foods that might keep mosquitos AWAY include basil, sage, rosemary, grapefruit, and anything with garlic or onions.