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So far Claire Taylor has created 83 blog entries.

Body of a Man Found Outside in Marshall Under Investigation

2021-01-16T15:38:16-06:00January 16th, 2021|Categories: News|

Marshall (KMHL) - The body of a deceased man was found outside Friday afternoon. The Marshall Police department responded to a report of a possible deceased person found outside the 500 block of Country Club Drive. The responding officers arrived and discovered the body of a 63-year-old Marshall man. Name and details are being withheld from the public for now and the death is currently under investigation by the Marshall police department with assistance from the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office, Lyon County Coroner, and the Ramsey County Medical Examiner’s Office.

Minnesotans Urged to Stay Away From State Capitol

2021-02-02T12:20:22-06:00January 15th, 2021|Categories: News|

St. Paul (LEARFIELD) --  It’s a time of unrest as the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and State Patrol are preparing for possible armed protests around the State Capitol over the next several days.  DPS spokesman Bruce Gordon says while the Capitol remains a safe place, officials are asking Minnesotans who do not have any planned activity or business to consider visiting at another time.  Gordon is also urging anyone who sees something suspicious to report it to local authorities.  Governor Tim Walz plans to address Minnesotans later today about safety and security leading up to the presidential inauguration.

There Should Be No Concerns About Infertility with the COVID-19 Vaccine

2021-01-15T08:18:52-06:00January 15th, 2021|Categories: News|

MARSHALL (KMHL) - As COVID-19 Vaccines are distributed to Avera Staff and long-term care facilities in Marshall and surrounding areas, there is still hesitancy about the vaccine side effects and possible complications. One rumor that has been circulating around is that the vaccine could cause infertility or sterilization to those who receive it. Doctor Steven Meister of Avera Marshall clears up those rumors, stating: Chief Medical Officer and Vice President of Medical Affairs at Avera Marshall, Doctor Steven Meister, clears up the misinformation with the vaccine by stating, “I can reassure you that fertility is not going to be affected by [...]

Joint Information Center Offers Update on Local COVID-19 Vaccine Roll Out

2021-01-11T13:36:33-06:00January 11th, 2021|Categories: News|

Marshall MN (KMHL)As priority groups across the state of Minnesota begin receiving COVID-19 vaccinations, the Lyon County Joint Information Center encourages area residents to exercise patience and be informed so they are prepared when they can receive it themselves. COVID-19 vaccines are currently being administered across the state to groups in phase 1a as outlined by the Minnesota Department of Health which at Avera Marshall this includes vaccinating health care workers and long-term care residents. While community members wait to get their vaccine, Dr. Steven Meister says it’s important to continue to stay vigilant about wearing a mask, social distancing and [...]

Walz To Announce Re-Opening Plan For Minnesota Bars/Restaurants

2021-01-06T14:42:28-06:00January 6th, 2021|Categories: News|

Governor Tim Walz announced today the loosening of restrictions on bars, restaurants, and entertainment venues. Walz will allow in-door restaurant dining at 50-percent capacity with a limit of 150 people and a 10pm service cut-off. Under the new guidance, restaurants will be able to seat up to six people per table, with tables spaced six feet apart. Bars will be able to seat open parties of two also with tables spaced six feet apart. In-person service and dining has been prohibited in Minnesota since November 18th and health officials say COVID numbers have improved because of the restrictions. Hospitality Minnesota was [...]

Williams Offered Superintendent Position for Marshall Public School

2021-01-05T14:16:06-06:00January 5th, 2021|Categories: News|

Marshall (KMHL) - With many applying for the job, the Marshall School Board members on Monday decided not to interview any new candidates and offer Jeremy Williams a permanent superintendent position. Williams previously served as director of teaching and learning at MPS, and over the years has also served as assistant principal of MATEC and Marshall High School, and as principal of West Side Elementary. In May of this year, Williams accepted an interim superintendent contract after former MPS superintendent Scott Monson stepped down for a different job offer. The Marshall Public School received 11 applicants for the position, and the [...]

MDH Wanting Increased Penalties Against Haven’s Garden

2021-01-05T14:16:56-06:00January 5th, 2021|Categories: News|

Lynd (KMHL) - Attorneys for the Minnesota Department of Health are trying to have penalties increased against Lynd restaurant, Haven’s Garden. Larvita McFarquhar, owner of Haven’s Garden, has been defying Governor Tim Walz’s executive order and staying open for indoor dining despite having a temporary restraining order from Ramsey County. There was a motion for further sanctions against Haven’s Garden placed in Ramsey County District Court on December 29, and attorneys for the MDH asked that a new hearing be scheduled to consider increasing the civil contempt penalties from $250 a day. McFarquhar says currently she has not been notified or [...]

Strict Rules In Place As High School Sports Teams Return To Practice

2021-01-04T13:56:35-06:00January 4th, 2021|Categories: News|

St. Paul (LEARFIELD)  --  High school sports are able to return to practice today after being put on hold by Governor Tim Walz during a surge in COVID-19 cases late last year. However, with the return of practice also comes restrictions. In compliance with the Minnesota Department of Health, players will be required to wear a mask at all times, this includes in practices and in games. The only exception will be for wrestling and swimming where those guidelines are not practical.  There will be a limit on the number of players who can practice together, and players are being urged [...]

Avera Hospital & Clinic Staff Excited to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine

2021-01-04T06:17:18-06:00December 31st, 2020|Categories: News|

There was an overall feeling of excitement for Avera Marshall’s hospital and clinic staff yesterday as they began receiving the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination.  Lisa Buseth, a registered nurse for Avera Urgent Care, was one of the first to receive vaccine Wednesday morning. “It was more exciting than anything” Buseth said, describing her experience receiving the vaccine. “It felt like any other vaccine I’ve received. No different I would say in level of pain…I’ve had no side effects so far.” Just like any vaccine, there is misinformation about what to expect once you receive it. Doctor Timothy Hindbjorgen of [...]

Avera Marshall Long Term Care Staff and Residents Receive First COVID-19 Vaccinations

2020-12-29T13:09:30-06:00December 29th, 2020|Categories: News|

Marshall (KMHL) - This week, Avera Marshall health care workers at long term care facilities, as well as the residence, will start receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. Area hospital and clinic staff in Marshall, Granite Falls, and Tyler will start receiving doses of the COVID vaccination later this week. Last week Avera received vaccines from two different manufacturers. This includes the Pfizer Vaccine, which is the one that will be used on area hospital and clinic staff due to it needing ultra-cold storage; and the vaccine made by Moderna, which is being used for long term care residents and workers. Avera is [...]

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