2023 State of the Agriculture Discussion Held Tuesday at the Lyon County Fairgrounds

2023-07-25T19:31:48-05:00July 25th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

MARSHALL – The 2023 State of the Agriculture panel discussion was held Tuesday at the Lyon County Fairgrounds. Approximately 90 people were on hand for the discussion that covered many topics. The panelists included Mike Boerboom, CEO of Boerboom Ag Resources, Mark Fischer from M & B Farms, Carolyn Olson with Olson Organics, and Bob Worth, President of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association.  Lynn Ketelson from the Linder Farm Network signed on to help with the discussion, however a knee injury last week prevented him from attending. (left to right: Bob Worth, Carolyn Olson, Mark Fischer, Mike Boerboom, and Ken [...]