ST. PAUL (LEARFIELD) – MN-DOT is applying for over 53 million dollars in federal funding for two high-profile road projects in Greater Minnesota.
The first would expand Highway 14 to four lanes from New Ulm to Nicollet, the other would rebuild the I-90/Highway 52 interchange just southeast of Rochester.
“They’re high priority projects for us,” said MnDOT spokesman Jake Loesch. “But unfortunately, here in the State of Minnesota, funding isn’t quite always available for all of the projects around the state that Minnesota communities are asking us for.”
Loesch says if the federal government grants the funding request it would kick-start those projects.
In November, officials broke ground on a Highway 14 upgrade between Dodge Center and Owatonna, due for completion in 2022.
It will make that key thoroughfare four lanes from Mankato to Rochester.