SAINT PAUL — Governor Tim Walz has announced $52 million in grants to improve broadband access for around 7,700 homes and businesses across Minnesota. This funding aims to bolster connectivity in 24 counties through two DEED-administered programs: the Border-to-Border Broadband Program and the Low Population Density Program. 

Local recipients of the Border-to-Border grants include Meeker Cooperative Light & Power Association, which will receive $662,430 for Gennessee Township and $744,965 for Kandiyohi Township, and Lismore Cooperative Telephone Co. in Nobles County, awarded $208,598. Meanwhile, under the Low Population Density Program, Federated Rural Electric Association in Martin County will receive $8,008,419, and Woodstock Telephone Company in Murray County will be granted $2,914,733. These grants are part of the overall $52 million effort to improve broadband access across Minnesota.