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So far Courtney Vroman has created 646 blog entries.

Whose Fault Is This? Parents Were Outraged By a Small Business’ Abysmal (But Free) “Bluey” Event

2024-05-17T13:13:07-05:00May 17th, 2024|Categories: KARL, KARZ, KKCK, KMHL|

There's been a trend of eviscerating scam, money-grubbing events online . . . stuff like the Fyre Festival, and whatever that "Willy Wonka" thing was supposed to be.  But THIS seems like a stretch. There's a small business called Dirt Dog, and a location in Vegas was holding a "Bluey" event last weekend.  It was meant to be a fun family day, with costumed characters . . . face painting . . . games . . . and special treats. It was free, and open to the public.  They were expecting a few dozen regulars and locals . . . but it went VIRAL and THOUSANDS of [...]

What Flavor Is McDonald’s New “Grandma McFlurry”?

2024-05-17T13:10:07-05:00May 17th, 2024|Categories: KARZ, KKCK, KMHL|

Teenagers are dressing like grandparents now, with their tube socks and high-waisted pants.  So maybe this'll be a hit . . . McDonald's announced a new menu item landing next Tuesday called the "Grandma McFlurry".  (???) It's vanilla soft serve with crunchy bits of candy and a new flavored syrup.  They say it tastes like "like Grandma's favorite treat that she hid in her purse." They haven't revealed exactly what the flavor is.  But people online are claiming it's caramel and butterscotch . . . and tastes like a Werther's Original.  (CNN) (Here's a photo and a video of people who got to try it early.)

A Study Says Men Are More Likely to Be Friends . . . If They Do Not Share the Same Taste in Women

2024-05-17T13:08:54-05:00May 17th, 2024|Categories: KARL, KARZ, KKCK, KMHL|

Men:  Think about your closest male buddies.  Now think about their significant others.  Are they attractive?  Or . . . well, uh . . . "not your type." A study found that men are more likely to be friends . . . if they do NOT share the same taste in women.  (Maybe they're just more likely to REMAIN friends.) It was a fairly small-scale study, where 38 heterosexuals . . . half men and half women . . . were asked about the traits they preferred in a potential mate.  Then they were shown photos of 20 members of the opposite [...]

Do You Agree With These “Controversial” Food Opinions?!?

2024-05-17T11:18:52-05:00May 17th, 2024|Categories: KARL, KARZ, KKCK, KMHL|

What's the last surprising food-related hot-take you've heard?  Maybe:  Instant ramen is delicious dry . . . it's better crunchy.  (???)  Someone conducted a poll online, asking people what they think of 21 "controversial food opinions."   But they probably didn't go extreme enough, because after amassing around 20,000 votes, more than 50% of people AGREED with half of them . . . and ALL of them found acceptance with at least 1 in 4 people.   Here are these "controversial" takes, from the LEAST divisive to the MOST controversial: (And hey look kids, adults actually do like Brussels sprouts.)   1.  [...]

The New iPhone Update Is Resurrecting People’s Deleted Nudes?

2024-05-16T12:23:51-05:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: KARL, KARZ, KKCK|

 What's the WORST-possible glitch you can imagine a phone having?  I bet THIS ONE is worse than that. A few people online are claiming that Apple's new iPhone update has RESURRECTED their old, deleted nudes.  People say photos that they deleted years ago, are suddenly back . . . and some are at the top of their galleries. It's not JUST nudes, of course.  But those WOULD be the most noticeable. Apple hasn't commented . . . and with tech things like this, it can be hard to separate YOU-problems from EVERYONE-problems. And adding to the confusion is that different people [...]

The ACM Awards Are Tonight: Here’s Everything You Need to Know

2024-05-16T12:21:57-05:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: KARL|

The ACM Awards are tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern and will air on Amazon Prime.  Who's gonna take down Entertainer of the Year?  And Song of the Year? While we're all not-so-patiently waiting, here's what you need to know to get you ready for the big show: 1.  The performers include:  Post Malone, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani, Kane Brown, and Jelly Roll. (Here are the rest of the performers.  And here are all the nominees.)   2.  The ACM Kickoff Festival was Tuesday night and they already announced three winners.  Nate Smith won Best New Male . . . Megan Moroney won Best New Female . . . and Tigirlily Gold won best Duo/Group.  This is the [...]

Zach Bryan and His Girlfriend Were Involved in a “Traumatizing” Car Crash

2024-05-16T12:21:12-05:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: KARL|

Zach Bryan and his girlfriend were involved in an accident the other night, and she's still shaken.  Podcaster Brianna Chickenfry . . . whose real name is Brianna LaPaglia . . . talked about it on TikTok. She called it, quote, "a traumatizing side-by-side car crash," and added that their car flipped several times and "everything shattered."  Luckily, they were wearing their seatbelts, or she claims they both would have been DECAPITATED. Zach did suffer some kind of injury that required stiches, and Brianna says she's still finding more bruises and scrapes and that she's pulled glass out of her cheek.  (Page Six) (WARNING:  [...]

Google Will Use A.I. to Detect Scams . . . During Calls?

2024-05-16T12:20:22-05:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: KARZ, KMHL|

 We're one step away from Google being able to let you know when to BAIL on that phone call with your mother-in-law. Google is developing an A.I.-powered scam detection feature for Android.  It works like this:  Gemini Nano . . . a local, offline A.I. model . . . will monitor calls from unknown numbers, and notify you of RED FLAGS. The system listens for "conversation patterns commonly associated with scams" in real time . . . and will alert you NOT to provide any sensitive information on this call.  It can even advise you to hang up. It'll be an [...]

A Town in Ohio Is Being Plagued . . . with People Leaving Thousands of Dollars in Public Bathrooms?

2024-05-16T12:19:27-05:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: KARZ, KKCK, KMHL|

There's a town in Ohio called Marysville, which is getting some press for the money they put into their public restrooms.  There's nothing special about the amenities . . . the money is LITERAL CASH.  (???) A couple weeks ago, more than $25,000 was found in a public bathroom at the Avalon Theatre, a performing arts venue in Marysville.  Less than a week later, more than $12,000 was found in a public bathroom at a KFC, also in the same town. The police say the cash was hidden in both cases . . . so it wasn't left there accidentally.  In the [...]

The States That Are the “Most Normal” Are . . . Illinois and Florida?

2024-05-16T12:18:43-05:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: KARL, KARZ, KKCK, KMHL|

We're always seeing reports about the U.S. states with the highest THIS and the lowest THAT.  Or the best states for THIS and the worst states for THAT.  But what about the middle-of-the-road? The "Washington Post" set out to determine "the most NORMAL state in the nation" . . . the state that's the most generic American . . . or the state that's most similar to America as a whole. They crunched a bunch of data:  Census variables and demographics . . . including race and religion . . . income . . . education . . . jobs (white-collar, blue-collar, service-sector) [...]

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