Some parents think that we coddle kids too much, and they’re becoming too soft.  And in the Netherlands, they’re trying to correct this by making playgrounds LESS SAFE.  Sort of.


They’re NOT talking about leaving rusted-out slides . . . putting a pit of spikes below the monkey bars . . . or adding more parking for windowless vans.  (???)


A new policy proposal in the Netherlands would increase kids’ access to open outdoor play areas to “climb, play with water and fire, sword-fight with sticks, build with hammers, rope, or knives, and wrestle and fall.”


It’s not just about making spaces RISKIER, it’s making them LESS BORING.  They say more kids are sitting inside, being less active, because playing on their devices is more exciting than finding adventure OUTSIDE.


One mother says “risk-taking play” can be a good thing, because “it’s learning about boundaries.”  Someone else says “rough playing” might lead to bumps or cuts, but it helps kids “make social contact, and to learn to deal with risks.”