The Scripps Spelling Bee finals are tomorrow night.  So Google looked at the top words ordinary Americans struggle with.


They posted a map of the top-trending “How to spell” search in all 50 states.  Here are the most EMBARRASSING ones:  11 states can’t spell these words that are all six letters or less . . .


1.  California can’t spell the word “pretty.”

2.  New Mexico can’t spell “quiet.”

3.  North Dakota’s dirty secret is they can’t spell “secret.”

4.  Kansas struggles with “chaos.”

5.  Oklahoma doesn’t know how to spell “animal.”

6.  Michigan can’t spell “cousin.”

7.  Ohio can’t spell “equal.”

8.  Tennessee can’t spell “field.”

9.  Maine can’t spell “heard” with an “A”.  Like, “I heard you”.  A “herd of cattle” doesn’t have the “A”.

10.  Wisconsin can’t spell “ally.”

11.  Virginia can’t spell the word “said.”


A few more highlights:  Nevada needs to consult the internet to spell the word “internet” . . . Louisiana can’t decide how to spell “decision” . . . Kentucky definitely can’t spell “definitely” . . . Indiana is jealous if you can spell “jealous” . . .


. . . Mississippi is nervous they can’t spell “nervous” . . . New Hampshire is tortured by the word “tortured” . . . a ton of people in Wyoming need to spell “corduroy” for some reason . . .


. . . and three states can’t spell the names of other states:  Utah can’t spell “Mississippi” . . . Nebraska can’t spell “California” . . . and even though they’re neighbors, Maryland can’t spell “Pennsylvania.”