The Force is strong with George Lucas.  He’s officially the richest famous person in the world, according to Forbes’ 2024 list of celebrity billionaires.  Check it out:

1.  George Lucas:  $5.5 billion

2.  Steven Spielberg:  $4.8 billion

3.  Michael Jordan:  $3.2 billion

4.  Oprah Winfrey:  $2.8 billion

5.  Jay-Z:  $2.5 billion

6.  Kim Kardashian:  $1.7 billion

7.  Director Peter Jackson:  $1.5 billion

8.  TIE:  Tyler Perry and Rihanna:  $1.4 billion

10.  Tiger Woods:  $1.3 billion

11.  TIE:  LeBron JamesMagic Johnson, and “Law & Order” creator Dick Wolf:  $1.2 billion

14.  Taylor Swift:  $1.1 billion


