Certain kinds of old-timey crimes have been romanticized . . . like “the art of pickpocketing.”  So maybe someday we can do that with THIS:


Canada is apparently dealing with a BUTTER THIEVERY SYNDICATE . . . primarily operating in Guelph, Ontario.


Over the past week, there were two large butter thefts from different grocery stores.  We’re not talking about shoving a few packs in your coat . . . in both cases, two men got away with several CASES of butter.


The first theft was valued at $936, and the second was $958.  They got away with it by loading all the butter into a cart, and then sneaking out through the back of the store.


There have been at least seven large-scale butter thefts in Guelph in the last 10 months.  It’s not known if all the incidents are related . . . but let’s be honest, what are the chances that multiple criminals in the area independently decided to get into the butter-thieving business within the past few months.