MARSHALL (KMHL) – Avera Marshall is making some changes to ease visitor restrictions at the hospital and clinics.

In a press release, Avera announced they will allow hospital patients one visitor per day. Visitors must remain in the patients room, and not be in common areas like the cafeteria.

Avera is encouraging outpatient clinic patients to attend appointments alone when possible, but now will allow a visitor at the discretion of the care team. Avera says obstetrical patients can have one support person join them.

Additionally, as in the past children may be accompanied by a parent, guardian and a support person can come with patients with confusion, altered mental status or developmental delays.

Avera says all visitors and patients must wear masks and adhere to social distancing guidelines, they will also need to clear a temperature screen when they arrive at the facility.

However, Avera Morningside Heights Care Center remains closed to visitors at this time.