I can’t decide if we should consider this a modern American wedding . . . or a throwback to the 1800s.  Maybe it’s both.

There was a wedding reception in Indiana earlier this month, where a scuffle broke out . . . and it culminated in the groom FIRING A GUN . . . and shooting a guest in the hand.

Indiana State Police responded to a 911 call on May 18th about a possible drunken shooting at a wedding reception.

The festivities were winding down, and there was an argument between a wedding guest and his wife, who was accusing him of flirting with another guest.

Somehow the groom got involved . . . started fighting the flirter . . . a gun was pulled . . . there was a struggle over it . . . and the gun fired, hitting yet another male guest in the hand.

The groom denies he intentionally pulled the trigger.  He told police the gun just went off during, quote, “all the rustle and bustle.”

Both the groom and the flirting man were arrested . . . both were charged with battery and criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon.

It sounds like the man who was shot in the hand will be okay.

(Law and Crime)