Marshall Radio Community Calendar

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Monthly Veterans Coffee

Lyon County Historical Society Museum 301 West Lyon Street, Marshall, MN, United States

The next monthly veterans coffee at the Lyon County Museum, 301 W Lyon St, Marshall is Tuesday, August 6 at 1:30 pm.  The monthly coffee is open to all veterans.  Enjoy coffee, water, juice, and treats while visiting with fellow veterans in the ice cream shop at the museum.  For more information, contact the museum at 507-537-6580 or

The Vietnam War and Lyon County New Exhibit Preview

Lyon County Historical Society Museum 301 West Lyon Street, Marshall, MN, United States

The Lyon County Museum is hosting an open house in celebration of their new exhibit on the Vietnam war on Tuesday, August 8th from 1:30 to 4:00 PM. This event is open to all veterans, their family members, and active military service men and women. Light refreshments will be served. During this special opening, at 2:00 PM local Vietnam veterans will share how they participated in the exhibit.


Tea Party at the Museum and Dollhouse Tour

Lyon County Historical Society Museum 301 West Lyon Street, Marshall, MN, United States

Join the Lyon County Museum for a very special event on Saturday, June 10: A Tea Party at the Museum and a Dollhouse Tour! 1:00-2:30 PM: Tea Party at the Lyon County Museum (301 W Lyon St, Marshall) followed by Dollhouses and German Toys Tour at 3:00 PM at the home of Robin and Richard Banbury. RSVP by June 8: 507-537-6580. Space is limited. Adults: $10/Per Person Children: Ages 5-15 FREE with Adult Purchase Enjoy tea, lemonade and light refreshments, and a few party games. Come dressed in your finest hats, gloves, heels, and pearls should you choose. A small prize [...]

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