Happy 113th birthday to the Girl Scouts! They were founded on March 12th, 1912, then the first Girl Scout cookie was sold five years later in 1917. So, what’s YOUR favorite?
The site “Taste of Home” had a professional baker rank them. See if you agree . . .
1. Thin Mints. It’s still their best-selling cookie.
2. Samoas . . . called Caramel deLites in some areas.
3. Tagalongs . . . a.k.a., Peanut Butter Patties
4. Toast-Yays. They debuted in 2021, but they’re being discontinued next year. (Wikipedia lists 66 cookies that have been discontinued over the years.)
5. Lemonades
6. S’mores. They’re also being discontinued after this year.
7. Do-Si-Dos . . . a.k.a., Peanut Butter Sandwiches
8. Toffee-tastics
9. Trefoils . . . a.k.a. Shortbread cookies
10. Adventurefuls
11. Caramel Chocolate Chip.
There’s also one called Lemon-Ups, but “Taste of Home” didn’t include it in the rankings. (???) So . . . I guess that’s last place?