If you’re looking for a gift for a coworker, it’s PROBABLY not a good idea to surprise them with a pet turtle that may outlive them.


Someone just did a poll on holiday etiquette, and there are some fascinating results.  Here are the highlights:


1.  Leaving the price tag on a gift . . . 56% say it’s unacceptable.

2.  Giving a child a toy gun as a gift . . . 40% say it’s not okay.

3.  Giving a pet as a gift . . . 38% say unacceptable.  (Especially if it’s a surprise and they might not want it.  Another 22% said maybe, maybe not, it depends on the context.)

4.  Not giving a gift to someone who gave you one . . . 37% say that’s not cool.

5.  Giving a gift that’s secondhand or used . . . 34% say unacceptable.

6.  Not giving a gift to a close family member . . . 29% say that’s not okay.

7.  Asking for cash as a gift . . . 29% say that’s unacceptable.

8.  Throwing away wrapping paper instead of recycling or reusing it . . . 28% of people say that’s unacceptable.  (That includes 98% of grandmas.)

9.  Giving someone else’s child a gift that makes a lot of noise . . . 28% say that’s unacceptable.

10.  Giving a gag gift instead of a serious one . . . 28% say that’s not cool.

11.  Re-gifting an item . . . 25% say that’s unacceptable.

12.  Giving a gift that’s unwrapped . . . 24% say that’s unacceptable.

13.  Asking for donations to a cause instead of a gift . . . 16% say that’s unacceptable.

14.  Waiting until the last minute to shop for gifts . . . 14% say that’s unacceptable.

15.  Returning or exchanging a gift . . . 10% say that’s unacceptable.

16.  Giving a gift AFTER the holidays . . . 7% say that’s unacceptable.

17.  Giving cash as a gift . . . only 4% say that’s not okay.  (Because come on, who wouldn’t just want some money to buy what they REALLY want?)