Marshall Radio Community Calendar

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Marshall Fire Department – Fire Prevention Week

Friday, October 4 - Kindergarten visits fire station Sunday, October 6 - Operation Edith 7pm, exit drills in the house, plan your escape, turn outside lights on Monday, October 7  - Replace your smoke detector batteries Tuesday, October 8 - To report emergencies dial 911 Wednesday, October 9 - Watch what you heat Thursday, October 10 - Open House 5:30p-8p -- Hamburger Feed $6 per person + a kiddie express and a helicopter on site! Friday, October 11 - Check your fire extinguisher Saturday, October 12 - Practice Fire Prevention all year round.

5th Annual Walk Out of Darkness at the Breezy Barn

Please join us in the 5th Annual Out of the Darkness walk at the Breezy Barn - 10/5/19 Over the past four years approximately $40,000 has been raised to help suicide prevention programs from our little community with a big heart! Registration will begin at 9am at the BREEZY BARN with a short program with Luther Talks, Statewide Tribal Truth Suicide Prevention Coordinator at Minnesota Department of Health at 10am with the walk to follow. There will be a Silent Auction and a Free Will Offering Meal UPSTAIRS at the Breezy Barn and check out the Suicide Prevention Race Car on [...]

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