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Speaker Series “Pioneering Pipestone County”-Edgerton
March 18 @ 6:30 pm
| Free
Final Pioneering Pipestone County Speaker Rescheduled
The Pipestone County Historical Society in collaboration with the Edgerton Public Library will be hosting the final presentation in the Pioneering Pipestone County speaker series on Tuesday, March 18th beginning at 6:30 p.m. The presentation was rescheduled due to weather and will be held at the Edgerton Public Library located at 811 1st Ave. West in Edgerton. This event is FREE to attend.
This presentation is being made possible by a Better Together grant funded by Prairielands Library Exchange. Prairielands is a state funded nonprofit whose mission is to support libraries across 18 counties in southwest Minnesota.
Speaker, Dr. Anita Gaul will share insights into the pioneer women living in southwest Minnesota in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In contrast to the stereotypes of pioneer women as either the “sunbonneted helpmate” or the overworked drudge, women living in this region were essential to the success of family farms, as well as integral parts of their rural communities who made important economic, cultural, and even political contributions.
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