This isn’t quite “Gilligan’s Island”, but it was close.


A 34-year-old man in California named Lukas McClish set out for a THREE-HOUR HIKE back on June 11th . . . and somehow, he got himself lost in the forest of the Santa Cruz Mountains . . . for 10 DAYS.


He didn’t have anything with him, because he was just on his way to work.  But thankfully he survived . . . thanks to drinking water out of his hiking boots.  He was found a few days ago.


The authorities used drones to locate him in a thick forest . . . after witnesses reported hearing his pleas for help.  Multiple agencies were involved, including the county sheriff’s office, California State Parks rangers, and the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.


Lukas made it out with no major injuries . . . although he LOOKED like he had been lost for 10 YEARS.


Lukas spent his days desperately hiking up and down canyons . . . drinking water out of his boots . . . foraging wild berries . . . trying to elude a mountain lion . . . and dreaming of burritos.


Clearly, Lukas was comfortable hiking in the woods . . . but he said he got lost because he couldn’t recognize certain landmarks, which were wiped out by fires.