Do you share a car with someone?  If so, make sure you leave the radio tuned to THIS STATION when you get home.


Someone polled 2,000 married couples who share a car, and asked for the most annoying things about getting into the car after someone else used it.


Finding the radio set to a station you HATE made the Top 10.  So just play it safe and leave us on always.  They’ll thank you for it.


Here are the most annoying things about getting into the car after someone else drove it . . .


1.  Having to move the seat forward or back is the top complaint by far.  Newer cars have presets, but older cars don’t.

2.  Having to readjust the mirrors.  It’s hard to get everything the way you like it.

3.  Getting the seatback just right.  Meaning how reclined you are.

4.  They left you with an empty gas tank.  Cheap bastard.

5.  The radio is blaring.  You might want to turn us down a little when you park.

6.  Having to readjust the steering wheel position.

7.  Turning the radio on, and it’s a station you don’t like.

8.  Feeling too cramped.  (???)  Isn’t that the same as seat position?

9.  They left a mess behind.  Like trash on the seat, or a drink in the cupholder.

10.  Having to adjust the heat or A/C.  Meaning the temperature.  Or maybe they like air blowing on them, and you don’t.