ST. PAUL (LEARFIELD) – Republicans say the “reinsurance” program they pushed through the legislature over Democrats’ objections is what will keep health care premiums relatively stable in Minnesota for the third straight year in 2020.
But, Gov. Tim Walz (D) says more needs to be done to make things work better for Minnesotans.
“If they’re taking credit for keeping prices high in health care, or if they’re taking credit for keeping people out insurance, they should do that, because you don’t get to do both,” said Walz.
Walz says he wants creative thinking from Republicans instead of a band-aid.
“Stabilizing too high of cost, stabilizing too high of deductibles and not making any meaningful change for bending the cost curve was not the best solution,” said Walz.
Republicans say if Democrats have a better idea they’re willing to listen, otherwise “reinsurance” must continue.