With the state’s closure of K-12 schools until at least March 27th, the daily nutrition needs of students is top of mind. To be sure those needs are being met, the Marshall Public School District will begin offering Grab-N-Go bags to students in the district. Daily, Monday through Friday from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, these Grab-N-Go bags will be available to be picked up by students at 4 different locations in Marshall. These include the Marshall Middle School cafeteria, St. Stephens Church parking lot, Samuel Lutheran School parking lot and Holy Redeemer Church parking lot.
The district has also been working to begin providing daycare services to the children of healthcare and emergency workers responding to the coronavirus outbreak. Parkside Elementary School will be utilized to provide this care between the hours of 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. To sign up or for more information, you can reach the school at 507-537-6924 or register online through this link. You can hear the complete conversation with MPS Superintendent Scott Monson below.