This got us wondering how common this is:  Did you ever tell a little white lie when you were young, and it backfired?  Or has YOUR kid ever done it?  Someone asked people on Reddit.  Here are the top answers . . .

1.  A guy told his classmates he had a girlfriend at a different school.  But one kid’s mom was a teacher there and confirmed the girl didn’t exist.

2.  A kid wrote their sister’s name on a wall in crayon and tried to frame her for it.  But she was too young and didn’t know how to write yet.

3.  A kid went to their friend’s house after school and told the mom their parents knew they were there.  But they didn’t know and reported the kid missing.

4.  Someone pretended to be blind because they thought glasses were cool.  Their parents paid for three different doctors before one realized it was a lie.

5.  Someone made a fake Valentine’s Day card for their stepdad from a “secret admirer” . . . put it next to his bed . . . and it caused major drama.  It turned out the guy was a habitual cheater.

6.  A kid cracked their new phone and claimed it happened when their teacher took it during a test.  They didn’t expect their mom to call the school and complain.

7.  Someone failed a math test in fourth grade, and their parent had to sign the test.  So they tried to forge their signature . . . in crayon.

8.  A kid pooped in their dog’s doghouse when they were eight . . . just for fun . . . and blamed the dog.  But their mom knew they were lying.  (Weird kid.)

9.  Not exactly a lie, but this one got the most likes:  Someone had a standardized test in third grade, and their teacher said once they finished, they could have recess the rest of the day.  So they just filled in random answers as fast as possible . . . had the best day ever . . . and ended up in special ed.

10.  While their parents were gone, someone prank called 911 and said, “There’s an escaped murderer in my house.”  Then just as their parents got home, the cops arrived . . . and pulled a gun on their dad.



(BuzzFeed / Reddit)