ST. PAUL (LEARFIELD/KMHL) – The other big hang up at the capitol is on the transportation bill. Republican leaders say a gas tax increase “is not gonna happen.”
MN-DOT Commissioner Margaret Anderson Kelliher responds borrowing means the state pays interest.
“For every time we do investment with bonding and don’t pay for it it’s $1.50 it costs a Minnesotan, where with cash it’s a dollar,” said Kelliher.
Faribault Republican Senator John Jasinski (juh-SIN-skee) opposes any gas tax hike – saying it will hit low income Minnesotans the hardest.
“A lot of people they look at those numbers and in my instance for just the gas tax it’s about a $400 increase – so almost double what I’m paying now,” said Jasinski.
Lawmakers have to reach a deal on the budget and spending bills prior to the May 20th constitutional deadline.