In the middle of winter, it can feel like all you do is WORK.  There’s the job that you get paid for . . . and the job, at home, that you DON’T.

A new survey asked people to put a PRICE on all the chores they do . . . both around the house, and out running errands.  And the average person says they value it at $134 a day.

That would be almost $2,000 per two-week pay-period . . . because chores do NOT stop on the weekends . . . and it would be almost $50K per year.

Does this seem high or low?  If you do a LOT of work, you might feel like it’s undervaluing your time, but you also have to think about it from the other side:

How much would you PAY someone else to do all the chores that you normally do:  Cooking . . . cleaning . . . driving the kids to school . . . making sure they get to practice . . . shopping for groceries . . . and so on.


(Idea?  Pay family members a decent wage to handle these tasks . . . and then charge them for all the “rides” and errands that you run for them.  No one will get rich, but it could promote more balance and appreciation.)